pasar raspa cum laude

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pasar raspa cum laude
pass an exam or degree with the minimum required
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Phonetic: "[pʰäːs]"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To change place.

Definition: To change in state or status

Definition: To move through time.

Definition: To be accepted.

Definition: In any game, to decline to play in one's turn.

Definition: To do or be better.

Definition: To take heed.

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Phonetic: "/æn/"

Part Of Speech: numeral

Definition: One

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Phonetic: "/ɛɡˈzæm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of examining.

Definition: Particularly, an inspection by a medical professional to establish the extent and nature of any sickness or injury.

Definition: A formal test involving answering written or oral questions under a time constraint and usually without access to textbooks.

Definition: Interrogation.

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Phonetic: "/ɛɡˈzæm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To observe or inspect carefully or critically

Example: He examined the crime scene for clues.

Definition: To check the health or condition of something or someone

Example: The doctor examined the patient.

Definition: To determine the aptitude, skills or qualifications of someone by subjecting them to an examination

Definition: To interrogate

Example: The witness was examined under oath.

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Phonetic: "/ɔː(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: conjunction

Definition: Connects at least two alternative words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc. each of which could make a passage true. In English, this is the "inclusive or." The "exclusive or" is formed by "either [...] or".

Example: He might get cancer, or be hit by a bus, or God knows what.

Definition: An operator denoting the disjunction of two propositions or truth values. There are two forms, the inclusive or and the exclusive or.

Definition: Counts the elements before and after as two possibilities.

Definition: Otherwise (a consequence of the condition that the previous is false).

Example: It's raining! Come inside or you'll catch a cold!

Definition: Connects two equivalent names.

Example: The country Myanmar, or Burma

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Phonetic: "/dɪˈɡɹiː/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A stage of proficiency or qualification in a course of study, now especially an award bestowed by a university or, in some countries, a college, as a certification of academic achievement. (In the United States, can include secondary schools.)

Example: She has two bachelor's degrees and is studying towards a master's degree.

Definition: A unit of measurement of angle equal to 1/360 of a circle's circumference.

Example: A right angle is a ninety-degree angle.

Definition: A unit of measurement of temperature on any of several scales, such as Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Example: 180 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 100 degrees Celsius.

Definition: The sum of the exponents of a term; the order of a polynomial.

Example: A quadratic polynomial is a polynomial of degree 2.

Definition: The dimensionality of a field extension.

Example: The Galois field operatorname{GF}(125) = operatorname{GF}(5^3) has degree 3 over its subfield operatorname{GF}(5).

Definition: The number of edges that a vertex takes part in; a valency.

Definition: The number of logical connectives in a formula.

Definition: The curvature of a circular arc, expressed as the angle subtended by a fixed length of arc or chord.

Definition: A unit of measurement of latitude and longitude which together identify a location on the Earth's surface.

Definition: (grammar) Any of the three stages (positive, comparative, superlative) in the comparison of an adjective or an adverb.

Definition: (obsolete outside heraldry) A step on a set of stairs; the rung of a ladder.

Definition: An individual step, or stage, in any process or scale of values.

Definition: A stage of rank or privilege; social standing.

Definition: (genealogy) A ‘step’ in genealogical descent.

Definition: One's relative state or experience; way, manner.

Definition: The amount that an entity possesses a certain property; relative intensity, extent.

Example: To what degree do the two accounts of the accident concur?

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Along, together with others, in a group, etc.

Example: Do you want to come with?

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Against.

Example: He picked a fight with the class bully.

Definition: In the company of; alongside, close to; near to.

Example: He went with his friends.

Definition: In addition to; as an accessory to.

Example: She owns a motorcycle with a sidecar.

Definition: Used to indicate simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.

Example: Jim was listening to Bach with his eyes closed.

Definition: In support of.

Example: We are with you all the way.

Definition: In regard to.

Example: He was pleased with the outcome.

Definition: To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; – sometimes equivalent to by.

Example: slain with robbers

Definition: Using as an instrument; by means of.

Example: Find what you want instantly with our search engine.

Definition: Using as nourishment; more recently replaced by on.

Definition: Having, owning.

Example: It was small and bumpy, with a tinge of orange.

Definition: Affected by (a certain emotion or condition).

Example: He spoke with sadness in his voice.

Definition: Prompted by (a certain emotion).

Example: green with envy; flushed with success

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The lowest limit.

Example: We need a minimum of three staff members on duty at all time.

Definition: The smallest amount.

Example: He always tries to get away with doing the minimum.

Definition: A period of minimum brightness or energy intensity (of a star).

Example: The Maunder minimum of the Sun reportedly corresponded to a period of great cold on Earth.

Definition: A lower bound of a set which is also an element of that set.

Definition: The smallest member of a batch or sample or the lower bound of a probability distribution.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: To the lowest degree.

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Phonetic: "/ɹɪˈkwaɪəd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To ask (someone) for something; to request.

Definition: To demand, to insist upon (having); to call for authoritatively.

Definition: Naturally to demand (something) as indispensable; to need, to call for as necessary.

Definition: To demand of (someone) to do something.

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Phonetic: "/ɹɪˈkwaɪəd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Necessary; obligatory; mandatory.

Türkçeden İngilizceye En Hızlı Çevirmen

Çevirinize ince ayar yapmak için yerleşik sözlükleri kullanın: Tek tıklamayla eşanlamlılar ve örneklerle bağlam içi çeviriler, anlamlar, telaffuz ve diğer dil özelliklerinde sorunsuz bir şekilde uzmanlaşmanıza yardımcı olur. Kesinlikle ücretsiz, hızlı ve doğru çevirmen!

Yukarıdaki giriş alanını kullanarak İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükte bir Türkçe terim arayın. İngilizce veya Türkçe arama yapabilirsiniz. İngilizce veya Türkçe aradığınız cümlenin çok fazla çevirisi varsa filtreleme seçeneklerini kullanarak sonuçları sınırlandırabilirsiniz. İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükte harfe göre ara. İngilizce-Türkçe sözlük, alfabeyi manuel olarak görüntüleme olanağı sağlar. Belirli kelimelerin çevirilerine bakmak ve bir cümle bağlamında ne anlama geldiklerini görmek için aşağıdaki bağlantıları da kullanabilirsiniz.Hızlı bir İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çeviriye ihtiyacınız olduğunda arkadaşlarınıza ve ajanslara başvurmayı bırakın. Kendinizi uygulamamızla donatın ve bunu kendiniz, daha hızlı ve daha doğru bir şekilde yapmak için devasa kitaplığımızdan yararlanın. Uygulamalarımız iPhone, iPad, Mac ve Apple Watch ile yerel olarak entegre olur. Ayrıca, sınıfının en iyisi Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera ve Edge uzantılarımızla favori tarayıcınızı özelleştirebilirsiniz. Facebook sayfamızı ziyaret edin ve sütunumuzu okuyun - yeni gönderilerimizden bazıları burada görünecek. Teşekkürler!Kaynak metinler, AI tabanlı yazım denetleyici tarafından otomatik olarak düzeltilerek daha iyi bir çeviri elde edilir. Tıp, kesin bilimler, hukuk vb. gibi çeşitli alanlarda metinlerinin içeriğini ve dil özelliklerini koruyarak belgeleri anında çevirin.